Monday 2 September 2013

Inspirational Writing - Solitude

Looking out upon the vast space in every direction, I sit and lean against the only tree. It might be the only tree, but it is truly the most beautiful tree, and as I lean heavily, wearily against its old, gnarled bark, I take in a deep, clean fresh breath, really filling my lungs, and slowly letting it go. Such a small island, just me, this tree, and lots of open space. I can hear the water lapping at the edges of the island, very gently, almost silently. I look up through the branches, laden with purple flower. In this open space, and all on its own, I am slightly surprised that the tree is even here. When the wind gets up it must absolutely howl across here at a rate of knots, and the ancient roots look more out of the ground than in. Yet here it stands, strong, proud, and beautiful. I wonder long the tree has been here, how it even got here in the first place. It is surprisingly comfortable, given how deep the ridges are in the green and brown bark, but I am very comfortable, and feel at ease. Its as though the tree has enveloped me in a big, soft and warm blanket. 

I can feel the tree, obviously, as I am leaning on it, but I can feel an energy emanating from it, which is warm and tingly, and soaking in to the very bones of me, its comforting. My mind starts to relax, and not think so much. My mind is a constant hub of activity most of the time, and yet I took to meditating like a duck to water! I never thought I would master it, let alone so quickly. Sometimes it is harder than others, and sometimes, when my mind has gone in to overdrive I don't even bother to try. I know that much about myself. At this moment in time, this tree is the best therapy, like ever. When I go home, I wish I could take the tree with me, so I could gaze at it daily, but obviously, I cant. It strikes me that this is a selfish thought, maybe the tree is happy here, maybe it doesn't want to be uprooted and set down in an alien society, ripped away from its familiar surroundings. Alien society, western society, my society. If I could bring my family and friends here to the tree, we could all live here on the island happily ever after. Wishful thinking. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. And it might be fabulous, everything you expected and more. It might be a happy relief, a stroke of good luck at last, alleviating some stress or worry. Or it might suck.  

Nothing is ever simple is it? I do know, that I can think clearly for the first time in a long time. Life has a tendency to take over, and you just get caught up in the stuff that you have to do, the everyday chores, worries, working life, and you just need space to catch your breath, and look at things from a different perspective. Away from the people that you love, the people that you like, the people that you don't. Away from the madness of work, the chaotic family trials and tribulations, dramas and finances. Take a look at the path you are on, and the path you should be on. Time to refocus, and get back to living the life you want to live. I know I am meant for something different, something fulfilling, nurturing, and just plain amazing. But at this moment in time, it wont pay the bills. 

Listen to that - absolute silence. It's almost deafening, it really could make you feel quite vulnerable, but I just feel, relaxed, and almost like me again. The water is so very still, everything is so very still, just the odd cloud floating aimlessly across the bluest sky, and yet I can't feel the slightest breeze. The only movement in fact is me, my mind is slowing down to a fast walk, and my chest is rising and falling with my breath, and that is the only movement, for all I know in the whole wide world. 

The tree stands tall amongst the mossy rocks that have been its home for I don't know how long, and the rest of the island is lush green. I think about moving to lay on the green carpet that is the island, but I'm quite comfortable and actually can't be bothered to move. Leaning against my strong, soft tree, I close my eyes. I can see that my physical life has a strong hold on me, and I have very much neglected my spiritual journey. I take a deep breath, and there he is, he always manages to creep up on me, and I mirror his smile, and his warmth. His smile can melt away all doubts, all niggling negativities, and fill you with positive certainty, all in the blink of an eye. 

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