Saturday 24 August 2013

I Love my Spirit Board

I know a lot of people are against the use of a spirit board, or ouija board. There is a lot of negative hype surrounding them, and their use. But I have to say, I have used a spirit board for around 20 years, and I have never once had a bad experience.

Did you know that the ouija board was in fact one of the very first ways for spirit communication to take place? The board does have quite a history, and I'm sure you all know someone who knows someone that did the ouija board when they were kids, and really scary stuff happened. Well this is what happens when spirit communication isn't treated with the respect that it deserves. Because there is a fear of the unknown, and because like attracts like, if you start a ouija board session and have no idea what you are doing, and doing it just for a laugh, or to be scared, or just to see what happens, then this is what you are going to attract.

During the many spirit board sessions that I have held, we have had some lovely spirit communication, some beautiful messages, and also some amazing table tipping. The atmosphere is phenomenal, and I always feel very uplifted and "buzzing" after a spirit board session. Some of the people that have attended the sessions have been a little apprehensive about it, because the ouija board has such a negative reputation, but they have been completely converted, and now know that there is nothing to be frightened of, and as long as things are done properly, and people don't use the board as a "toy" to be played with, then they can experience some wonderful spiritual phenomena. Messages from their family and friends in spirit have completely verified the authenticity of the board, by asking a question that no one else knows the answer to, and spirit have willingly provided the answer, proving that no one in the room is controlling the board.

I will say, that you should not, under any circumstances be tempted to "play" with a ouija board. If you don't really know what you are doing, then don't do it. This is simply because like attracts like, and if the energy and atmosphere is negative, then you will attract negative energy to the session, and if the session is not being supervised or led by someone that does know what they are doing, this can be a little frightening to the novice.

If you get the opportunity to attend a properly led spirit / ouija board session, then I would highly recommend it. Sessions should ideally be led by an experienced Medium. A Medium can often give information to go with the messages that come through the board, such as giving a description of the person as they were when they were alive, which offers further validation that it really truly is spirit that are communicating through the board, and through the medium.

I do hold these sessions regularly at my home in Harwich, Essex, and you are very welcome to contact me about them if you would like some further information, or would like to attend an evening.

I hope you have found this information of some use, even if it simply goes a little way to helping you to keep an open mind towards spirit communication, and the use of a spirit / ouija board. People all too often believe the horror stories that they hear about the use of the ouija board, and consider them to be dark and dangerous, without considering that these horror stories have been re told and re told over a number of years, and have no doubt been altered and embellished along the way. Please do keep an open mind, because there a few people who have had first hand experience of a properly led session, and so can vouch that it really isn't a scary experience, but rather a beautiful and exciting experience.

Until next time, when I will be sharing some inspirational writing with you,

Sophie xx

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